BLOG: What’s the point of a mission agency?

The world of cross-cultural mission contains plenty of jargon, concepts and ideas that many people are unfamiliar with. In this series, we’re hoping to demystify some of these concepts and go back to basics.

Recent events aside, travelling internationally has generally never been so quick and easy, so you would be forgiven for thinking that mission across cultures is a doddle. Well, if you are considering overseas ministry, joining an agency could be very useful. You don’t necessarily have to be a part of one to be effective in ministry, but there are a number of areas where it could save you a lot of hassle…



How should I prepare? How do I go about language learning? What other training do I need? If these questions sound familiar, a mission agency could be a helpful guide. Whilst it’s true that you can never be totally prepared, taking advantage of their experience could give you some very helpful pointers.



Sometimes it’s very useful to have friends who understand how visas, pensions and insurance policies work and can help you organise your finances. If an agency doesn’t know how something should be done, they probably know someone who does.



Mission agencies are like families — albeit a little out of the ordinary. Being part of one can help you get to know like-minded people, teams you can join and opportunities for ministry. When living in a new culture, it’s great to know others in the same boat.



Cross-cultural mission is tough. Having the ongoing backing of an agency can make it easier by liaising with your sending church, encouraging others to pray for you and making sure you’re receiving the support you need.

Joining a mission agency isn’t the only way to do cross-cultural mission, but we think they’re great (even if we are biased). If you’re planning to go overseas, or to work with diaspora communities, get in touch with one and see if they could help.

If you need even more reasons why an agency could be a good idea, check out this snazzy video from our US sister office or, if you would like to know how we could serve you in your ministry, click here.

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