BLOG: How can I reach out to Muslims closer to home?

The world of cross-cultural mission contains plenty of jargon, concepts and ideas that many people are unfamiliar with. In this series, we’re hoping to demystify some of these concepts and go back to basics.

Around 3.5 million Muslims live in the UK,[1] with over 44 million living across Europe.[2] That’s a lot of people who have faith, but don’t know the truth about Jesus. What can we do to help?


Where can I begin?

If there are Muslims living and working in your community, you’ve got a great opportunity. There isn’t one particular “right” way of sharing the Gospel with them, but asking about what they believe could be a good starting point. Listen well: be open to be corrected on your misconceptions about Islam and, likewise, gently correct theirs about Christianity. Don’t be afraid to be clear on what you believe, but do so with respect. In short, start a friendly conversation! Get to know them, enjoy their company, try some new food, encourage them to read the Bible with you and let your life and words witness to the difference Jesus makes. Keep praying for them and, if you get the chance, do so in their presence in the name of Jesus.

Some people advocate a more polemical approach to evangelism and this may be helpful in some settings. However, remember that your ultimate aim is not to win an argument, but to introduce them to Jesus.

Anything I should be aware of?

Remember that Muslims are individuals and may hold a range of views — doing some research about these could be helpful. If you’re talking to those from other nations, then there may also be some cultural issues to watch out for as you don’t want to cause unnecessary offence. It varies, but as a general rule try to be mindful how you act around members of the opposite sex, dress appropriately and follow their cultural cues. Some cultures have rules around which hand you use for eating, or how you position your feet, for instance. If in doubt, ask.


It can be daunting to reach out to Muslims living around us, but we have been given a wonderful message of hope to share. Let’s take advantage of the opportunities that God gives us to do so.

If you’re interested in learning more, or seeing what training opportunities are available get in touch.

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