Carrying your cross
One of the biggest sacrifices involved in going overseas is the physical distance from your family and friends. I vividly remember the pain I felt when saying goodbye to my family at the airport at the start of my first mission trip. Walking away from them, knowing I wouldn’t see them again for a year, was one of the most difficult things I’d ever done. Instant messaging and video calls make this a lot easier than it was for missionaries of the past, but it’s still painful to give up physical closeness to your loved ones.
Another lesser-known sacrifice is the loss of sense of identity that often comes with culture shock. You know where you fit within your own cultural context and community. These things give you an understanding of who you are, as do your relationships, career, and ministries. Giving up these things can be disorientating as you need to rediscover yourself and your place in a completely new context. Sometimes it can even feel like you have two different lives!