CHRISTMAS APPEAL: Will you help Arabs know God is with them?

‘Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call himself Immanuel.’ Isaiah 7:14

What gives you hope at Christmas time? Is it the lights, the joy of exchanging gifts, time to rest, or time spent with family? We will all be looking forward to different things this Christmas. But what unites us as a body of Christ is the celebration of the greatest gift of all, the Lord with us, our Immanuel.

Could you support our cross-cultural workers to share this good news?

The message of Christmas is the beginning of the greatest story, through which we can find freedom and salvation. Through your support our cross-cultural workers are bringing this message of hope to those they meet in the Arab world.

Esther*, one of our cross-cultural workers, told us how God was near her and one Muslim woman as she shared this message of hope:

One Monday I received a message from Tala*. I had met Tala before, but I was surprised to hear from her having had no follow up since our previous meeting. I offered to read the Bible with her. Expecting a decline, I was shocked when she said, ‘Yes, we can start tomorrow!’

Over the days that followed, we read the Bible together. However, it became clear that she also had an agenda to disprove my faith. Whilst this was challenging, I was reminded that I was only called to be faithful to the gospel and it was the Holy Spirit who would do the work in her heart.

Praise God, Tala is now asking God to show her which faith is true, and she has asked me to pray that she would be close to God and know the way to Paradise.

You can share the true message of Christmas with Arab people

Cross-cultural workers across the Arab world and its diaspora are having conversations like this on a regular basis. It is only by knowing that God is truly with them that they can share the message of God’s nearness to Arab Muslims.

Please prayerfully consider giving a gift to support these workers and those they work among.

We pray that you will know that the Lord is with you and your loved ones this Christmas.

You can give to this work by clicking this button and choosing I want to give to AWM. Thank you for partnering with us in this way.

Two of our Mission Workers have reflected on the angel’s appearance to Mary and Joseph proclaiming the birth of Jesus. Read the Mary reflection here and the Joseph reflection here.


*Names changed to protect identities.

Artist: Lizzy Standbrook

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