
God is doing incredible things among Arab people today. We would love you to join us in lifting them up in prayer! The ongoing intercession of our workers and supporters is essential for all that we do.

Why not join our prayer network and sign up for the free resources below? They will help guide you as you intercede for Arab people and those sharing the good news with them.


Prayerline is a fortnightly email publication that highlights current and urgent prayer needs in the Arab world for your intercession.

We cover workers, individuals, issues and nations in Prayerline and profile the needs that we consider most relevant.


Prayerlink is a quarterly prayer diary that enables strategic prayer for our teams in the Arab world. Each week we cover a different team in prayer, share their vision and include a key prayer point to focus on each day.

Our teams love to receive encouragement from you as you pray and hear from God, so feel free to get in touch if you have anything to share with a specific team.

Online prayer meetings

On the second Monday of each month we hold an online prayer evening on Zoom. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear more of what God is doing in the Arab world and to pray into it. We would love you to join us!