PALM equips Arab believers
This special event was organised by AWM-Pioneers’ PALM ministry. PALM stands for Preparing Arab-world Leaders for Ministry and was born out of a heart to see Arab Christians discipled and equipped for spiritual leadership within their own context.
As well as having bible-based materials designed and refined by those closest to ministry among Arab people, PALM has facilitators experienced in discipling people from the Arab world who can deliver the trainings either in-person or online. By equipping Arab believers in-country, PALM is able to encourage believers to serve in ministry where they are rather than pursue formal theological training in western nations. Experience shows that many who relocate out of the Arab world for study, never return to serve the Arab Church.
When you support PALM, you help to provide culturally-relevant materials to disciple new believers, as well as in-depth biblical courses for those seeking to lead churches. People of the Arab world are finding Christ and these resources enable biblical discipleship that equips them to face many challenges. It is vital that their faith grows deep roots to withstand the storms.