Stirred to Go?

Your journey towards mission is as unique as your individual personality.

As you engage with God’s call to join Him in His plan for the nations, we are here to walk with you. We are passionate about encouraging you, praying for you and mentoring you on your mission journey.

You may have a desire to join a team working among a particular Arab people group or country, you may have a specific vision to pioneer church planting among the least-reached in the Arab world, or you may just be tentatively exploring your place in mission.

It is likely that you have a number of questions:

  • Why serve in the Arab world over somewhere else?
  • Can I do my year abroad with AWM?
  • What language training will I require – and where should I get it?
  • What qualifications and experience will I need to serve in an Arab country?
  • What will the partnership between a mission agency and my church look like?

Click the links below to begin your journey, or check out our page HOW WE HELP YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE.


If you’re sensing the leading of the Lord into a long-term future in cross-cultural mission, contact HELEN, our Mobilisation Manager, by email or phone and begin a conversation that will help you take concrete steps on your journey and explain the general stages of the application process.

Alternatively, if you prefer to make an initial contact about short or long-term mission, or about how you can use your vocation for the Kingdom, why not first submit an initial enquiry online? A member of the mobilisation team will get back to you within a few days.

We look forward to hearing from you!